Peace Love and Understanding

Good afternoon Sailors!

Attached you will find the Week’s Events Calendar for the upcoming activities at MSHS.

  • Week's Events Calendar

  • Late Start Wednesday, January 11

  • Monday, January 16th  Martin Luther King Day  No School

Save the Date: Parent Teacher Conferences  January 26th  4-7 pm

Counseling Department:

It's Scheduling Season for 2023-2024

Student scheduling will begin Thursday, January 19th, 2023. Similar to last year, ALL students will receive scheduling instructions at the same time. Students will bring home a Course Request Form. Instructions and video will be available within the student's Counseling Google Classroom.

The following scheduling time frame will be followed:


Counselor-Student Meetings / Course Selection Return Dates


Monday, January 23- Friday, January 27.


Monday, January 30- Friday, February 3.


Monday, February 6- Friday, February 10.

Extended Day Program:

Monday - Thursday after school until 3:45 pm. Teachers and NHS tutors are available for support. Location is the HS Library Media Center. A great opportunity to work on collaborative projects, stay engaged in your learning and achieve your goals.

Fine Arts Information: 

Confidential Safety Tip Form

Found on our HS Webpage is the OK 2 Say link. If you are ever concerned about the safety or well being of a student. Please access the link. This is a confidential site that is monitored by the Michigan State Police. Assistance is quickly available.

Confidential Safety Tip Form

Mental Health resources for families:


For Sailor information please visit the HS web page To catch all of the Sailor Action follow us on the New MSPS App, twitter and facebook. @mshspride and @MonaShoresAthletics

Peace, Love and Understanding  Sailors Raise the Bar! 

Follow the Sailor Action @mshspride @monashoresathletics

#OneCommunity #SailorPRIDE  #BeKind